Frosty The Snowman(雪孩子)音乐简谱是简谱网 Jian-Pu.Com收录的儿歌简谱,Frosty The Snowman(雪孩子)音乐简谱歌谱图片在线免费下载,高清的Frosty The Snowman(雪孩子)音乐简谱图片来自儿歌简谱栏目。简谱网 Jian-Pu.Com无需注册,直接可免费下载各类音乐简谱曲谱图片。Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul (雪人冻冻 是笑呵呵的精灵)With a corncob pipe and a button nose (嘴里叼烟斗 鼻子是钮扣)And two eyes made out of coal (两只眼睛是煤球)Frosty the snowman is a fairy tale they say (雪人冻冻 是嘴里讲的童话)He was made of snow but the children (他是雪做的 可我们知道)Know how he came to life one day (他是怎样复活的)There must have been some magic in that (在那个旧大礼帽里)Old silk hat they found (一定有着魔法)For when they placed it on his head (把帽子放头上时)He began to dance around (雪人能活蹦乱跳)For Frosty the snowman (雪人冻冻)Was alive as he could be (他真的能活着)And the children say he could laugh (小朋友说雪人能大笑)And play just the same as you and me (能在一起做游戏)Frosty the snowman knew (雪人冻冻)The sun was hot that day (知道正艳阳高照)So he said Let's run and (他叫我们来疯跑)We'll have some fun (做游戏)Now before I melt away (趁我还没有融化)Down to the village (走过城镇)With a broomstick in his hand (他把扫帚握在手)Running here and there all (他在广场上跑来跑去)Around the square saying (说你快来)Catch me if you can (抓我呀)He led them down the streets of town (他带小朋友走街道)Right to the traffic cop (到达了交通路口)And he only paused a moment when (他听到警察叔叔)He heard him holler Stop (喊他才会停下来)For Frosty the snowman (雪人冻冻)Had to hurry on his way (他必须得去赶路)But he waved goodbye saying(他挥着手说再见)Don't you cry (你别伤心)I'll be back again some day (我一定会回来的)Thumpetty thump thump (哒滴啦哒哒)Thumpetty thump thump (哒滴啦哒哒)Look at Frosty go (看冻冻走远)And he waved goodbye saying (他挥着手说再见)Don't you cry (你别伤心)I'll be back again some day (我一定会回来的)
Frosty The Snowman(雪孩子)简谱图片是网友上传分享的一首旋律优美的儿歌简谱,节奏感强,有律动感,整体感觉舒服轻快,是一首经典的儿歌简谱曲目,Frosty The Snowman(雪孩子)儿歌简谱如一抹天然心态的自我剖白,又彷若青涩时光里践行的背影,怀恋Frosty The Snowman(雪孩子)流转的依依不舍。孤独城市里夜光灯下的身影再漫长,也终将Frosty The Snowman(雪孩子)的音符指向幸福的光源照亮美好时光,让我们一起来弹奏儿歌简谱Frosty The Snowman(雪孩子)吧!
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